@btrishkin pushed 19 commits.

27a69bb  Implement GetOrCreateNetworkDomainThenCreateNodes Strategy.
9f2aee7  Add Azure KeyVault support
77995e2  JCLOUDS-1362: Proper password generation with custom constraints for 
each cloud
de54267  Promoted Azure ARM to the main repo
43548d7  Apache jclouds 2.1.0-rc3 release
f92ceeb  Next development version 2.2.0-SNAPSHOST
6652a14  fix typo in project.version
8c7c6da  JCLOUDS-1271: Remove BlobStore.signRemoveBlob
e8d4eae  JCLOUDS-1405 - Dimension Data Live Tests Broken - Domain classes for 
Server and Image with List nics incorrect
16179e1  Address InjectOnConstructorOfAbstractClass warning
29fc088  JCLOUDS-1333: Fix Java 8 and Guava 21 issues
3d172e1  Implement ServerWithNatRuleToNodeMetadata Function
b935b23  JCLOUDS-1406 - Add default location configuration to dimension data 
cc0f634  JCLOUDS-1421: Add default credentials to images created by the 
19424c3  Upgrade to java8
838f7ce  [JCLOUDS-1430] Aliyun ECS initial skeleton
e7838dc  [JCLOUDS-1430] - add region and zone API
a91c4cb  –JCLOUDS-1425 1&1 Block Storage and SSH keys API
63e953b  ServerToServerWithExternalIp Function implementation for dimensiondata

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