
Jacques Le Roux updated OFBIZ-10596:
    Affects Version/s:     (was: 16.11.04)
             Priority: Major  (was: Critical)
        Fix Version/s:     (was: 16.11.05)
                           (was: 17.12.01)
                       Upcoming Branch

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks for creating this Jira.

As Deepak said data already exist and we don't use translation. Because since 
the mail will be send in Spain, it should be written in Spanish (ultimately 
sorted there). We could have a mean to show address values in the user's 
language and eventually write them in the country destination language. But 
currently this does not exist.

Now about Spain address format, here are some advices:

So the province is optional and (only?) used for town in a big city area (like 
Madrid). Currently if we modify the Spain data (adding for instance 
GROUP_MEMBER, see UK or US) or the CommonWorkers::getAssociatedStateList method 
to show the province they will always show ands will always be used. Not sure 
if it fits (optional), we need more information. For instance in France regions 
exist but are never used in addresses. If a Spanish user could help that would 
be perfect.

Now coming to the Jira creation, not a big deal I fixed it for you, just some 
advices: we follow these 
 and here is [how we Manage JIRA's issues|https://s.apache.org/YvY4].

In this case, here are some points (TL;DR ;)):
* It's not critical. The " Critical "  Priority is used to block a release. 
Only bugs can block a release. It's quite rare and should be approved by a 
common consensus.
* Since it's an improvement it can't be applied on a release branch (or 
actually it's very rare and need a common consensus). So the "Affects 
Version/s" should contain only "trunk"'
* Also the "Fix Version/s" field should normally not contain information and 
should be completed by the committer when the commit will be done. In this 
case, as it's an improvement and should not be backported to release branches, 
we can put "Upcoming branch", ie the 1st release branch that will contain this 
improvement (the trunk is never released).

Again thanks for you report and effort on translation. Those can maybe be used 
for other means than addresses. They should be then put in 
CommonEntityLabels.xml, see "Geo.geoName.*" properties. It's mostly countries 
names for now (already a lot ;)).

> Spanish State/Provinces in party mgr missing
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: OFBIZ-10596
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10596
>             Project: OFBiz
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: ALL APPLICATIONS
>    Affects Versions: Trunk
>            Reporter: Wolfgang Rauchholz
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: Upcoming Branch
> The State/Provinces for Spain are missing.
> When entering a new address the system shows "No States/Provinces exist"
> Underneath a list of these communities in different languages.
> Wolfgang
> Spanish
>  Andalucía, Aragón, Principado de Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, 
> Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia, La 
> Rioja, Comunidad de Madrid, Región de Murcia, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, 
> País Vasco, Comunidad Valenciana, Ceuta, Melilla
> German
>  Andalusien, Murcia, Valencia. Katalonien, Aragonien, Navarra, Baskenland, La 
> Rioja, Kantabrien, Asturien, Galicien, Kastillien-León, Madrid, Extremadura, 
> Kastillien-La Mancha, Balearen, Kanarische Inseln, Ceuta, Melilla
> English
>  Basque Country, Madrid, Navarre, Catalonia, Asturias, Cantabria, Aragon, 
> Balearic Islands, La Rioja,  Valencia, Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha, Murcia, 
> Castile and León, Galicia, Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Extremadura
> Català
>  Andalusia, Aragó, Principat d'Astúries, Illes Balears, País Basc, Canàries, 
> Cantàbria, Castella - la Manxa, Castella i Lleó, Catalunya, Extremadura, 
> Galícia, Comunitat de Madrid, Regió de Múrcia, Navarra, La Rioja, País 
> Valencià, Ceuta, Melilla
> Portuguese
>  País Valencià, Aragão, Astúrias, Baleares, Ilhas Canárias, Cantábria, 
> Catalunha, Castela-Mancha, Castela e Leão, Estremadura, Galiza, La Rioja, 
> Comunidade autónoma de Madrid, Região de Múrcia, Navarra, Comunidade 
> Valenciana, Ceuta, Melilha
> French
>  Andalousie, Aragon, Asturies, Îles Baléares, Îles Canaries, Cantabrie, 
> Castille-et-León, Castille-La Manche, Catalogne, Estrémadure, Galice, 
> Communauté de Madrid, Région de Murcie, Navarre, Pays basque, La Rioja, 
> Communauté valencienne, Ceuta, Melilla
> Russian

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