
ASF subversion and git services commented on OFBIZ-4390:

Commit e18d5768ac3b986384b04eeb6cf6f9358ca32be3 in ofbiz-plugins's branch 
refs/heads/trunk from Jacques Le Roux
[ https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=ofbiz-plugins.git;h=e18d5768a ]

Improved: Ecommerce Error Page Does Not Work (OFBIZ-4390)

Currently when an error occures in ecommerce or ecomseo CsrfUtil::checkToken
throws the RequestHandlerException "Invalid or missing CSRF token for AJAX 

It's only disturbing in log for no benefit. This feature seems obsolete and
we should rather get rids of it.

I don't backport in case I'd proved wrong

> Ecommerce Error Page Does Not Work
> ----------------------------------
>                 Key: OFBIZ-4390
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-4390
>             Project: OFBiz
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: ecommerce
>            Reporter: Sam Hamilton
>            Assignee: Jacques Le Roux
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: OFBIZ-4390-error.txt, OFBIZ-4390.patch
> If you are using the ecommerce app and you force it to generate a 404 error 
> page it redirects back to /control/main.
> You can test the 404 error out here - 
> http://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/ecommerce/please-give-me-an-error/ 
> This default behaviour will confuse search engines as they expect to get a 
> 404 error if a pages does not exist on a website. 
> As pointed out by Bilgin on the mailing list adding the following code into 
> web.xml should resolve the problem however it just generates more errors due 
> to the redirect to /control/main is in place.
> <error-page>
>    <error-code>404</error-code>
>    <location>/error/error.jsp</location>
> </error-page>

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