The GitHub Actions job "Java CI with Gradle" on ofbiz-framework.git has 
Run started by GitHub user JacquesLeRoux (triggered by JacquesLeRoux).

Head commit for run:
96bf0094eea925e335301713f1c3293e15cd7dd8 / Pierre Smits 
Improved: Screen Classifications in Party should not show create trigger to 
user with only VIEW permission (OFBIZ-12892 (#695)

When accessing as a user 
with only VIEW permissions (e.g. userId = auditor) the action trigger to create 
a new Party Classification Group is shown.

This should not be visible to such a user as it leads to an undesired effect 
and diminished user experience.

PartyClassificationScreens.xml - removed container having action trigger
PartyMenus.xml - added menu-item newPartyClassificationGroup having permission 

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GitHub Actions via GitBox

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