sonatype-lift[bot] commented on code in PR #287:

@@ -16,269 +16,353 @@
 import atexit
+import functools
+import os
+import sys
 from queue import Queue, Full
 from threading import Thread, Event
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
 from skywalking import config, plugins
 from skywalking import loggings
-from skywalking import profile
 from skywalking import meter
+from skywalking import profile
 from skywalking.agent.protocol import Protocol
 from skywalking.command import command_service
 from skywalking.loggings import logger
 from skywalking.profile.profile_task import ProfileTask
 from skywalking.profile.snapshot import TracingThreadSnapshot
-from skywalking.protocol.logging.Logging_pb2 import LogData
 from skywalking.protocol.language_agent.Meter_pb2 import MeterData
+from skywalking.protocol.logging.Logging_pb2 import LogData
+from skywalking.utils.singleton import Singleton
     from skywalking.trace.context import Segment
-__started = False
-__protocol = None  # type: Protocol
-__heartbeat_thread = __report_thread = __log_report_thread = 
__query_profile_thread = __command_dispatch_thread \
-    = __send_profile_thread = __queue = __log_queue = __snapshot_queue = 
__meter_queue = __finished = None
-def __heartbeat():
-    wait = base = 30
-    while not __finished.is_set():
-        try:
-            __protocol.heartbeat()
-            wait = base  # reset to base wait time on success
-        except Exception as exc:
-            logger.error(str(exc))
-            wait = min(60, wait * 2 or 1)  # double wait time with each 
consecutive error up to a maximum
-        __finished.wait(wait)
-def __report():
-    wait = base = 0
-    while not __finished.is_set():
+def report_with_backoff(reporter_name, init_wait):
+    """
+    An exponential backoff for retrying reporters.
+    """
+    def backoff_decorator(func):
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def backoff_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            wait = base = init_wait
+            while not self._finished.is_set():
+                try:
+                    func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+                    wait = base  # reset to base wait time on success
+                except Exception:  # noqa
+                    wait = min(60, wait * 2 or 1)  # double wait time with 
each consecutive error up to a maximum
+                    logger.exception(f'Exception in {reporter_name} service in 
pid {os.getpid()}, '
+                                     f'retry in {wait} seconds')
+                self._finished.wait(wait)
+  'finished reporter thread')
+        return backoff_wrapper
+    return backoff_decorator
+class SkyWalkingAgent(Singleton):
+    """
+    The main singleton class and entrypoint of SkyWalking Python Agent.
+    Upon fork(), original instance rebuild everything (queues, threads, 
instrumentation) by
+    calling the fork handlers in the class instance.
+    """
+    __started: bool = False  # shared by all instances
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Protocol is one of gRPC, HTTP and Kafka that
+        provides clients to reporters to communicate with OAP backend.
+        """
+        self.started_pid = None
+        self.__protocol: Optional[Protocol] = None
+        self._finished: Optional[Event] = None
+    def __bootstrap(self):
+        # when forking, already instrumented modules must not be instrumented 
+        # otherwise it will cause double instrumentation! (we should provide 
an un-instrument method)
+        if config.agent_protocol == 'grpc':
+            from skywalking.agent.protocol.grpc import GrpcProtocol
+            self.__protocol = GrpcProtocol()
+        elif config.agent_protocol == 'http':
+            from skywalking.agent.protocol.http import HttpProtocol
+            self.__protocol = HttpProtocol()
+        elif config.agent_protocol == 'kafka':
+            from skywalking.agent.protocol.kafka import KafkaProtocol
+            self.__protocol = KafkaProtocol()
+        # Initialize queues for segment, log, meter and profiling snapshots
+        self.__segment_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        self.__log_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        self.__meter_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        self.__snapshot_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        # Start reporter threads and register queues
+        self.__init_threading()
+    def __init_threading(self) -> None:
+        """
+        This method initializes all the queues and threads for the agent and 
+        Upon os.fork(), callback will reinitialize threads and queues by 
calling this method
+        Heartbeat thread is started by default.
+        Segment reporter thread and segment queue is created by default.
+        All other queues and threads depends on user configuration.
+        """
+        self._finished = Event()
+        __heartbeat_thread = Thread(name='HeartbeatThread', 
target=self.__heartbeat, daemon=True)
+        __heartbeat_thread.start()
+        self.__segment_queue = 
+        __segment_report_thread = Thread(name='SegmentReportThread', 
target=self.__report_segment, daemon=True)
+        __segment_report_thread.start()
+        if config.agent_meter_reporter_active:
+            self.__meter_queue = 
+            __meter_report_thread = Thread(name='MeterReportThread', 
target=self.__report_meter, daemon=True)
+            __meter_report_thread.start()
+            if config.agent_pvm_meter_reporter_active:
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.cpu_usage import CPUUsageDataSource
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.gc_data import GCDataSource
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.mem_usage import MEMUsageDataSource
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.thread_data import ThreadDataSource
+                MEMUsageDataSource().register()
+                CPUUsageDataSource().register()
+                GCDataSource().register()
+                ThreadDataSource().register()
+        if config.agent_log_reporter_active:
+            self.__log_queue = 
+            __log_report_thread = Thread(name='LogReportThread', 
target=self.__report_log, daemon=True)
+            __log_report_thread.start()
+        if config.agent_profile_active:
+            # Now only profiler receives commands from OAP
+            __command_dispatch_thread = Thread(name='CommandDispatchThread', 
+                                               daemon=True)
+            __command_dispatch_thread.start()
+            self.__snapshot_queue = 
+            __query_profile_thread = Thread(name='QueryProfileCommandThread', 
+                                            daemon=True)
+            __query_profile_thread.start()
+            __send_profile_thread = Thread(name='SendProfileSnapShotThread', 
+                                           daemon=True)
+            __send_profile_thread.start()
+    @staticmethod  # for now
+    def __fork_before() -> None:
+        """
+        This handles explicit fork() calls. The child process will not have a 
running thread, so we need to
+        revive all of them. The parent process will continue to run as normal.
+        This does not affect pre-forking server support, which are handled 
+        """
+        # possible deadlock would be introduced if some queue is in use when 
fork() is called and
+        # therefore child process will inherit a locked queue. To avoid this 
and have side benefit
+        # of a clean queue in child process (prevent duplicated reporting), we 
simply restart the agent and
+        # reinitialize all queues and threads.
+        logger.warning('SkyWalking Python agent fork support is currently 
experimental, '
+                       'please report issues if you encounter any.')
+    @staticmethod  # for now
+    def __fork_after_in_parent() -> None:
+        """
+        Something to do after fork() in parent process
+        """
+        ...
+    def __fork_after_in_child(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Simply restart the agent after we detect a fork() call
+        """
+        self.start()
+'SkyWalking Python agent spawned in child after fork() 
+    def start(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Start would be called by user or os.register_at_fork() callback
+        Start will proceed if and only if the agent is not started in the
+        current process.
+        When os.fork(), the service instance should be changed to a new one by 
appending pid.
+        """
+        python_version: tuple = sys.version_info[:2]
+        if python_version[0] < 3 and python_version[1] < 7:

Review Comment:
   <picture><img alt="21% of developers fix this issue" 
   <b>*Unsupported operand:</b>*  `<` is not supported for operand types 
`typing.Union[int, str]` and `int`.
   <details><summary>ℹī¸ Expand to see all <b>@sonatype-lift</b> 
   You can reply with the following commands. For example, reply with 
***@sonatype-lift ignoreall*** to leave out all findings.
   | **Command** | **Usage** |
   | ------------- | ------------- |
   | `@sonatype-lift ignore` | Leave out the above finding from this PR |
   | `@sonatype-lift ignoreall` | Leave out all the existing findings from this 
PR |
   | `@sonatype-lift exclude <file\|issue\|path\|tool>` | Exclude specified 
`file\|issue\|path\|tool` from Lift findings by updating your config.toml file |
   **Note:** When talking to LiftBot, you need to **refresh** the page to see 
its response.
   <sub>[Click here]( 
to add LiftBot to another repo.</sub></details>
   <b>Help us improve LIFT! (<i>Sonatype LiftBot external survey</i>)</b>
   Was this a good recommendation for you? <sub><small>Answering this survey 
will not impact your Lift settings.</small></sub>
   [ [🙁 Not 
 ] - [ [😕 Won't 
 ] - [ [😑 Not critical, will 
 ] - [ [🙂 Critical, will 
 ] - [ [😊 Critical, fixing 

@@ -16,269 +16,353 @@
 import atexit
+import functools
+import os
+import sys
 from queue import Queue, Full
 from threading import Thread, Event
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
 from skywalking import config, plugins
 from skywalking import loggings
-from skywalking import profile
 from skywalking import meter
+from skywalking import profile
 from skywalking.agent.protocol import Protocol
 from skywalking.command import command_service
 from skywalking.loggings import logger
 from skywalking.profile.profile_task import ProfileTask
 from skywalking.profile.snapshot import TracingThreadSnapshot
-from skywalking.protocol.logging.Logging_pb2 import LogData
 from skywalking.protocol.language_agent.Meter_pb2 import MeterData
+from skywalking.protocol.logging.Logging_pb2 import LogData
+from skywalking.utils.singleton import Singleton
     from skywalking.trace.context import Segment
-__started = False
-__protocol = None  # type: Protocol
-__heartbeat_thread = __report_thread = __log_report_thread = 
__query_profile_thread = __command_dispatch_thread \
-    = __send_profile_thread = __queue = __log_queue = __snapshot_queue = 
__meter_queue = __finished = None
-def __heartbeat():
-    wait = base = 30
-    while not __finished.is_set():
-        try:
-            __protocol.heartbeat()
-            wait = base  # reset to base wait time on success
-        except Exception as exc:
-            logger.error(str(exc))
-            wait = min(60, wait * 2 or 1)  # double wait time with each 
consecutive error up to a maximum
-        __finished.wait(wait)
-def __report():
-    wait = base = 0
-    while not __finished.is_set():
+def report_with_backoff(reporter_name, init_wait):
+    """
+    An exponential backoff for retrying reporters.
+    """
+    def backoff_decorator(func):
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def backoff_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            wait = base = init_wait
+            while not self._finished.is_set():
+                try:
+                    func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+                    wait = base  # reset to base wait time on success
+                except Exception:  # noqa
+                    wait = min(60, wait * 2 or 1)  # double wait time with 
each consecutive error up to a maximum
+                    logger.exception(f'Exception in {reporter_name} service in 
pid {os.getpid()}, '
+                                     f'retry in {wait} seconds')
+                self._finished.wait(wait)
+  'finished reporter thread')
+        return backoff_wrapper
+    return backoff_decorator
+class SkyWalkingAgent(Singleton):
+    """
+    The main singleton class and entrypoint of SkyWalking Python Agent.
+    Upon fork(), original instance rebuild everything (queues, threads, 
instrumentation) by
+    calling the fork handlers in the class instance.
+    """
+    __started: bool = False  # shared by all instances
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Protocol is one of gRPC, HTTP and Kafka that
+        provides clients to reporters to communicate with OAP backend.
+        """
+        self.started_pid = None
+        self.__protocol: Optional[Protocol] = None
+        self._finished: Optional[Event] = None
+    def __bootstrap(self):
+        # when forking, already instrumented modules must not be instrumented 
+        # otherwise it will cause double instrumentation! (we should provide 
an un-instrument method)
+        if config.agent_protocol == 'grpc':
+            from skywalking.agent.protocol.grpc import GrpcProtocol
+            self.__protocol = GrpcProtocol()
+        elif config.agent_protocol == 'http':
+            from skywalking.agent.protocol.http import HttpProtocol
+            self.__protocol = HttpProtocol()
+        elif config.agent_protocol == 'kafka':
+            from skywalking.agent.protocol.kafka import KafkaProtocol
+            self.__protocol = KafkaProtocol()
+        # Initialize queues for segment, log, meter and profiling snapshots
+        self.__segment_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        self.__log_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        self.__meter_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        self.__snapshot_queue: Optional[Queue] = None
+        # Start reporter threads and register queues
+        self.__init_threading()
+    def __init_threading(self) -> None:
+        """
+        This method initializes all the queues and threads for the agent and 
+        Upon os.fork(), callback will reinitialize threads and queues by 
calling this method
+        Heartbeat thread is started by default.
+        Segment reporter thread and segment queue is created by default.
+        All other queues and threads depends on user configuration.
+        """
+        self._finished = Event()
+        __heartbeat_thread = Thread(name='HeartbeatThread', 
target=self.__heartbeat, daemon=True)
+        __heartbeat_thread.start()
+        self.__segment_queue = 
+        __segment_report_thread = Thread(name='SegmentReportThread', 
target=self.__report_segment, daemon=True)
+        __segment_report_thread.start()
+        if config.agent_meter_reporter_active:
+            self.__meter_queue = 
+            __meter_report_thread = Thread(name='MeterReportThread', 
target=self.__report_meter, daemon=True)
+            __meter_report_thread.start()
+            if config.agent_pvm_meter_reporter_active:
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.cpu_usage import CPUUsageDataSource
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.gc_data import GCDataSource
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.mem_usage import MEMUsageDataSource
+                from skywalking.meter.pvm.thread_data import ThreadDataSource
+                MEMUsageDataSource().register()
+                CPUUsageDataSource().register()
+                GCDataSource().register()
+                ThreadDataSource().register()
+        if config.agent_log_reporter_active:
+            self.__log_queue = 
+            __log_report_thread = Thread(name='LogReportThread', 
target=self.__report_log, daemon=True)
+            __log_report_thread.start()
+        if config.agent_profile_active:
+            # Now only profiler receives commands from OAP
+            __command_dispatch_thread = Thread(name='CommandDispatchThread', 
+                                               daemon=True)
+            __command_dispatch_thread.start()
+            self.__snapshot_queue = 
+            __query_profile_thread = Thread(name='QueryProfileCommandThread', 
+                                            daemon=True)
+            __query_profile_thread.start()
+            __send_profile_thread = Thread(name='SendProfileSnapShotThread', 
+                                           daemon=True)
+            __send_profile_thread.start()
+    @staticmethod  # for now
+    def __fork_before() -> None:
+        """
+        This handles explicit fork() calls. The child process will not have a 
running thread, so we need to
+        revive all of them. The parent process will continue to run as normal.
+        This does not affect pre-forking server support, which are handled 
+        """
+        # possible deadlock would be introduced if some queue is in use when 
fork() is called and
+        # therefore child process will inherit a locked queue. To avoid this 
and have side benefit
+        # of a clean queue in child process (prevent duplicated reporting), we 
simply restart the agent and
+        # reinitialize all queues and threads.
+        logger.warning('SkyWalking Python agent fork support is currently 
experimental, '
+                       'please report issues if you encounter any.')
+    @staticmethod  # for now
+    def __fork_after_in_parent() -> None:
+        """
+        Something to do after fork() in parent process
+        """
+        ...
+    def __fork_after_in_child(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Simply restart the agent after we detect a fork() call
+        """
+        self.start()
+'SkyWalking Python agent spawned in child after fork() 
+    def start(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Start would be called by user or os.register_at_fork() callback
+        Start will proceed if and only if the agent is not started in the
+        current process.
+        When os.fork(), the service instance should be changed to a new one by 
appending pid.
+        """
+        python_version: tuple = sys.version_info[:2]
+        if python_version[0] < 3 and python_version[1] < 7:

Review Comment:
   <picture><img alt="21% of developers fix this issue" 
   <b>*Unsupported operand:</b>*  `<` is not supported for operand types 
`typing.Union[int, str]` and `int`.
   <details><summary>ℹī¸ Expand to see all <b>@sonatype-lift</b> 
   You can reply with the following commands. For example, reply with 
***@sonatype-lift ignoreall*** to leave out all findings.
   | **Command** | **Usage** |
   | ------------- | ------------- |
   | `@sonatype-lift ignore` | Leave out the above finding from this PR |
   | `@sonatype-lift ignoreall` | Leave out all the existing findings from this 
PR |
   | `@sonatype-lift exclude <file\|issue\|path\|tool>` | Exclude specified 
`file\|issue\|path\|tool` from Lift findings by updating your config.toml file |
   **Note:** When talking to LiftBot, you need to **refresh** the page to see 
its response.
   <sub>[Click here]( 
to add LiftBot to another repo.</sub></details>
   <b>Help us improve LIFT! (<i>Sonatype LiftBot external survey</i>)</b>
   Was this a good recommendation for you? <sub><small>Answering this survey 
will not impact your Lift settings.</small></sub>
   [ [🙁 Not 
 ] - [ [😕 Won't 
 ] - [ [😑 Not critical, will 
 ] - [ [🙂 Critical, will 
 ] - [ [😊 Critical, fixing 

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