On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 19:29:29 -0400, Jameson Rollins 
<jroll...@finestructure.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 23:19:37 +0100, James Westby <jw+deb...@jameswestby.net> 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:11:50 +0200, Xavier Maillard <x...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > > Say I have a thread with A-B-C. I visit the thread and read the
> > > whole thread. Let's say after 'notmuch new' a post has entered
> > > the thread: A-B-C-D. Is there an easy way to just have one of
> > > these behaviour:
> > > 
> > > - only show the new message (with an option to toggle display of
> > >   the old messages)
> > > - display the whole thread with the 3 read messages 'collapsed'
> > >   and only the unread message 'expanded'
> > 
> > This is the default behaviour in my experience.
> I agree this is the behavior I see, but there is a caveat that may be
> the cause of confusion:
> > Reading a message unsets the 'unread' tag.
> > 
> > The default search if for 'inbox' + 'unread'.
> Actually, the default search is for just "tag:inbox", which will also
> display any messages in the inbox that have "tag:unread" as well.  But
> remember that if you are coming from a search for "tag:inbox", when you
> view a thread all the message with "tag:inbox" will be visible
> (uncollapsed), whether or not they have "tag:unread" not.  Just reading
> a message will not cause it to collapse when coming from a "tag:inbox"
> search.  I think this might be where the confusion is coming from.  If
> you want to view just the messages in your inbox that are unread, then
> you need to search for "tag:inbox and tag:unread", or type 'f' in
> notmuch mode to filter your inbox search with the "tag:unread" search.
> Make sense?

Yes, thanks for clarifying.

I realise now that I lied about the behaviour that I was seeing.

I use the default tag:inbox search, but archive all the mails 'a' as I
read them, using other tags to keep track of things I want to come back

That means that 'inbox' behaves the way I described 'unread' to behave
for me. I see the new messages as the old ones had their 'inbox' tag


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