On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 09:55:00 -0700, Jameson Graef Rollins 
<jroll...@finestructure.net> wrote:
> - emacs: notmuch-hello improvements (Daniel Schoepe, Michal Sojka,
>   Dmitry Kurochkin, Pieter Praet)
>   These guys have been working on various improvements to the
>   notmuch-hello page.  I'll let them comment on where they're at with
>   that, and what should be merged.

My patch about user-defined sections mainly needs better documentation
and there's discussion reducing its flexibility a little, so it should
definitely be ready before the feature freeze, if that's still scheduled
for July 23.

Another thing I'd like to see in 0.7 is Pieter's patch about dividing
customize-options into different subgroups:

Another candidate for inclusion would possibly be my commit that adds
tab-completion to notmuch-search:


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