On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 08:18:41 +0400, Dmitry Kurochkin 
<dmitry.kuroch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Before the change, notmuch used g_mime_content_type_to_string(3)
> function to output Content-Type header value.  Turns out it outputs
> only "type/subtype" part and ignores all parameters.  Also, if there
> is no Content-Type header, default "text/plain" value is used.

Hi Dmitry;

I haven't analyzed the substance of your patch yet, but I did have a
couple thoughts while reading your mail.

- It seems that every time we change the json format, we have a round of
  suffering because people are unable to detect a mismatch between their
  emacs code and the cli. Not that this is your problem necessarily, but
  it would be nice if someone (TM), would come up with some version info
  for the json output, and a patch to check it on the emacs side.

- The previous point is a bit of a counterargument to this, but in
  general, I think I prefer patches that modify the core seperate from
  those that do emacs (or python, or ...) stuff.

- I understand you want to make your patches reviewable without applying
  by including lots of context, but at a certain point it has actually
  the opposite effect for me. I just don't read 900+ line emails ;). Of
  course, I can still apply the patch and look at it, so it's really up
  to you.

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