This controls where comments and other text wraps.  70 is the default
value, so this simply returns it to the default for people who have
overridden it.  Most notmuch code already adheres to this.
SO here is the patch (still sorry if I did it wrongly and very badly).

 .dir-locals.el |   19 ++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index aea630b..27f01c0 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
-; emacs local configuration settings for notmuch source
-; surmised by dkg on 2010-11-23 13:43:18-0500
-; amended by amdragon on 2011-06-06
+;; emacs local configuration settings for notmuch source
+;; surmised by dkg on 2010-11-23 13:43:18-0500
+;; amended by amdragon on 2011-06-06
   (indent-tabs-mode . t)
   (tab-width . 8)
   (c-basic-offset . 4)
+  (fill-column . 70))
+ (c-mode
   (c-file-style . "linux"))
-  (indent-tabs-mode . t)
-  (tab-width . 8)
-  (c-basic-offset . 4)
   (c-file-style . "linux"))
- (emacs-lisp-mode
-  (indent-tabs-mode . t)
-  (tab-width . 8))
-  (indent-tabs-mode . t)
-  (tab-width . 8)
-  (sh-basic-offset . 4)
   (sh-indentation . 4))

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