On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 22:06:15 +0400, Dmitry Kurochkin 
<dmitry.kuroch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since this patches got in, I have yet to send a single email to the
> address(es) I intend to :( I am really used to the bindings and this
> change is a pain.  From IRC discussion, it seems like I am not alone
> here.

Yeah, this has bit me too much recently.

> There was a proposal to change reply bindings to 'ra' and 'rs'.  When
> 'r' is pressed an appropriate help message can be given in the
> minibuffer.  I like this proposal.  What do others think?

My first reaction to this proposal was "yuck".  Then I realized it might
just provide that extra split second to think about where you actually
want the reply to go, which might be a good thing.

Otherwise I could live with any option.  I can get used to the new


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