Hi Jacek,

I am using msmtp for this: I keep my passwords in an encrypted
file and use a shellscript to decrypt and grep for passwords
in combination with msmtp's `passwordeval` option.
Have a look at


I have a similar setup for offlineimap (configs also on github).
All this works quite nicely together with my ssh-agent (gnome-keyring-daemon)
which unlocks my gnupg keys upon login.

Quoting Jacek Generowicz (2012-04-03 16:29:07)
>I'm trying to use notmuch from Emacs. I have a number of SMTP accounts
>through which I would need to send mail. Suggested solutions I have
>found fall into 3 categories:
>+ Gnus posting styles. (I'd rather stay clear of gnus, at present.)
>+ Writing plaintext passwords in the MSMTP config files. (I'm rather
>  relutctant to leave plaintext passwords lying around.)
>+ Emacs' own SMTP library. (I don't understand how to get it to deal
>  with many accounts in a non-gnus based way. It also seems to be
>  undergoing an interface change in the transition from Emacs 23 to
>  24, and it was already confusing enough without that complication.)
>To further complicate matters, I'm looking for a solution which queues
>any messages which are sent while the machine is offline. (It seems
>that MSMTP and Emacs SMTP library do offer some help in those
>Hints gratefully received.
>Thank you.
>notmuch mailing list
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