Hi Jacek,

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 09:27, Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generow...@cern.ch> wrote:
> Would you have any advice on how to construct a notmuch-poll script
> that would work well in concert with OfflineIMAP?  In particlular, how
> can you avoid having to re-issue the IMAP account passwords?
> The OfflineIMAP docs state that SIGUSR1 forces an immediate resync of
> all accounts, so something based around
>    kill -SIGUSR1 `cat ~/.offlineimap/pid`
> or
>    pkill -SIGUSR1 -u `whoami` offlineimap
> (with an already-running OfflineIMAP process in autorefresh mode)
> could work, but it's not clear to me how to discover when the resync
> is done, and sleeping for an arbitrary time before calling 'notmuch
> new' seems unsatisfactory.
> Any words of wisdom?

I run offlineimap in autorefresh mode (with IDLE too, actually) and
use a script based on inotify to update notmuch whenever new mail
comes in: https://gist.github.com/1952483 . It sounds like some
variant of this would probably work for you.

As an added bonus, I have my post-new script run emacsclient -n -e
'(notmuch-hello-update t)', so if I flip to my mail desktop I can see
right away if there's new mail.
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