On Mon, 16 Apr 2012, David Belohrad <da...@belohrad.ch> wrote:
> Dear Experts, 
> could someone give me a hint:
> I receive an email with attachment. It says it is a pdf, e.g. like this:
>  [ Ultra_Low_Noise_AC_Beam_Transformer2.pdf: application/pdf ]
> when I click on it, I would assume, that it opens the file using
> 'default' application, which is - when looking into file associations -
> okular.
> Instead, it opens a dialog box to save the attachment first. This is not
> really desired.
> Is there any way how to change it? It seems that is does it will all
> attachments, not only pdf. Regardless of whether correct file
> association is made in the KDE.


it is customizable under M-x customize-group notmuch -> notmuch-show ->
Notmuch Show Part Button Default Action:

The "view" option  uses the mailcap entry to open the attachment.

Best wishes


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