Quoting David Froger (2012-08-12 16:53:43)
> > > 3. Would it be possible to have the feature 'kill a thread' like Sup 
> > > have? (see
> > > http://sup.rubyforge.org/README.txt).
> > 
> > I haven't needed such a feature so I don't have a clear idea how it
> > should work.  There are some patches/ideas about muting threads using
> > notmuch generally around here.  I guess the simplest thing to do is hide
> > a thread if it has a certain tag, e.g. "muted" as suggested by notmuch
> > TODO file, unless you search for it explicitly.
> I  like this  solution,  I will  use it (adding 'and not tag:mutted' at the 
> end of my search).
> When  I'm not  interessed with  a long discussion on a mailling list,  I like 
> to  be able to 'kill'
> the thread so it does not reappear with every new mail.

I'm not sure if this actually solves your problem, because
notmuch's search is message, not thread based:
If you search for threads that match "is:inbox and not is:muted", you will see 
that contain messages which are tagged with "inbox" and not with "muted".
This means if you just tag one (or all) msg in a thread "muted" and there is a 
new response,
this thread will contain such a matching message again and show up in your 
result list.

To make this work, you need to set up your tagging script (that you run after 
'notmuch new')
so that it updates those new messages accordingly. If a msg belongs to a thread 
that has 
muted messages, also tag the new one muted.
I can pretty much recommend Justus' tagging script afew: 
One of the filters that it supports out of the box is exactly the "kill 
threads" function
you want.


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