On 2013-02-28 18:41:08 UTC, Mark Anderson <markr.ander...@amd.com> wrote: 
> John,
> Where should I look to figure out how to resolve these dependencies?

On a fresh install from scratch today I got the same problem, and was able to 
resolve it by first installing yesod-platform and then after that the few 
additional dependencies.  I can't wait until stackage 
(http://www.yesodweb.com/blog/2012/11/solving-cabal-hell) is functional, 
hackage can be great for weeks and then on some random day have dependency 
problems.  Looks like the github project is active 
https://github.com/fpco/stackage so hopefully it will be soon.  In any case, I 
don't think the "--only-dependencies" flag works very well, so "cabal install 
yesod-platform" lets cabal figure out better what to install.

How I got it to work is

rm -r ~/.ghc ~/.cabal
cabal update
cabal install yesod-platform
cd path/to/notmuch-web
cabal install --only-dependencies
yesod devel

As a side note, I plan on creating some binaries and marking the first release 
later today.  Also, if I put it on hackage it should be "cabal install 
notmuch-web", and then cabal seems to be better at figuring out what to do.

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