kototama kototama <kotot...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello everyone,
> I have developed a small minor mode to mute email threads with notmuch.
> http://dialectical-computing.de/blog/blog/2014/01/17/an-emacs-minor-mode-to-mute-email-threads/
> https://github.com/kototama/notmuch-kill-mode
> I hope it can be useful for some of you.

Interesting. I think it is more efficient (and UI agnostic) to do this
on the CLI level. For example

% notmuch config set search.exclude_tags "spam;deleted;muted"

spam and deleted are not needed for this discussion.

then in a post-new hook (man notmuch-hooks) or other script

% notmuch tag +muted $(notmuch search --output=threads tag:muted)

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