Dear NotMuch,

I have just started using notmuch and I really love it! I've been using
web interfaces and proprietary mail clients for almost a decade and mutt
before that (because I never got on well with rmail or gnus). Now, I'm
trying to get all my life-hacker aficionados to follow suit.

I was wanting to submit an RFE for you and to browse your source code to
see how hard it would be to implement, but I was disappointed that it is
all hosted on your own git repository with no issue tracker.

While I appreciate that you probably use notmuch as your work flow
manager, it is also quite common to use a social website such as github
or getsatisfaction to interface with users. In my experience, github
dramatically increases the number of contributions from users, in the
form of what github calls "pull requests" (if you're a git user but not
a github user, the term is confusing).

Would it be possible to have a github project for notmuch? I'm certain
the git repositories could be synchronised easily.

A bridge between github's issue tracker and notmuch would be entirely
possible: they have an API that would allow addition and removal of
tags, as well as editing tickets. Actually, I would probably use such a
thing :-)

But in any case, my RFE/question was this: how hard would it be to have
an optional mode of behaviour where tags are stored in the message
itself, so that syncing with an IMAP server (e.g. via offlineimap)
would make the tags available on all devices. This would negate the need
for workarounds, such as shared notmuch databases, when users have
multiple machines.

It would also allow applications like offlineimap to introduce a gmail
plugin that would copy the message into a folder according to its tags,
so gmail labels and notmuch tags would be in sync.

Best regards,

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