On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 23:10:30 +0100, Tassilo Horn <tassilo at member.fsf.org> 
> Well, if you only want to have a look at a maildir or mbox, and don't
> want to make the group permanent and let gnus fetch mail, then this
> should do the trick.
>   M-x gnus RET ;; brings you into the *Group* buffer, and then
> | `G m'
> |      Make a new group (`gnus-group-make-group').  Gnus will prompt you

For viewing an mbox, I successfully used "C-u G f" that you mentioned
earlier. So I've at least now seen gnus in action, thanks!

What I'd really to view is a maildir though, but I haven't gotten "G m"
to work with that yet. It prompts me for a "group name", (which I assume
is just an arbitrary string), then a "from method" which offers tab
completion for things that look promising (such as "nnmh" and
"nnmaildir") but I can't get anything to work past that. I never see
anything prompting for an actual directory, and it either ends up
creating an empty directory, (such as ${HOME}/Mail/<groupname>), or
complaining "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil".

I even guessthat that maybe it wants "nnmaildir:/path/to/maildir" or
maybe "nnmaildir+/path/to/maildir" but the prompt won't accept either of
these (just says "[No match]").

And now I've got an entry in the *Group* buffer for each of my attempts,
which variously complain ("Couldn't open server" for nnmaildir:foo,
"Group nnmh:bar contains no messages", and "Couldn't activate group
test: No such group"---I can't remember how I created that one).

Where are all of these groups stored now? (I couldn't find anything
matching ~/.gnus* nor any changes to my .emacs file.) Yet I still see
these broken groups even with "emacs -q -f gnus". And how do I delete

Update: It looks like I've got stuff in ~/.newsrc, ~/.newsrc-dribble,
and ~/.newsrc.eld from my various thrashing here. Still not clear how to
delete things---.newsrc.eld says I shouldn't delete it but should touch
~/.newsrc instead, but that doesn't seem to have any effect. I went
ahead and deleted ~/.newsrc* and most of this stuff does seem to be
nicely cleaned up. All that's left is that I now get a warning on
starting gnus of "Gnus auto-save file exits.  Do you want to read it? (y
or n)". If I do read it, then I get some of the junk groups back. I
can't figure out where this auto-save file exists, (it's even hiding

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