On Sat, 05 Dec 2009 00:55:20 +0600
Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> wrote:

> Twas brillig at 13:52:20 04.12.2009 UTC-05 when
> mdorman at ironicdesign.com did gyre and gimble:
>  MAD> Err, this makes no sense.  How can Mailman have any knowledge
>  MAD> of, and therefore "do anything" to any message that came by way
>  MAD> of a CC?
> for each subscriber:
>   if subscriber.email in message.cc:
>      continue
>   ...
>   # delivery

I stand corrected---it seems like a gigantic misfeature to me, so
much so that I checked and apparently that is exactly how Mailman
works in its default configuration.

My apologies for suggesting you didn't know what you were talking
about.  I made the mistake of assuming sane software.

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