On 14:27, Thu 03 Dec 09, Carl Worth wrote:
> A simple solution would be a notmuch daemon that can accept commands on
> stdin, (in basically the exact same form as the current notmuch
> command-line interface). If the daemon does the job of periodically
> incorporating new mail, then the only command necessary to solve (1)
> above would be the tag command.

I like the idea. I didn't liked to fork for each command, so I started to play
with the library for create a UI. But with a demon like that I guess will be
nicer to use it than to call directly to the library.

Why use stdin? Why not sockets? With them at could be possible to use several 
concurrent clients with the same server.
(I really love moc for play music, and one of its greatest features is that)

Rub?n Poll?n  | jabber:meskio at jabber.org
         No vamos a reivindicar nada,
            no vamos a pedir nada.
            Tomaremos, okuparemos.
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