The previous code made too many assumptions about the (sadly not
standardized) format of the Received headers. This version should
be more robust to deal with different variations.

Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <hohndel at>
 notmuch-reply.c |   23 +++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/notmuch-reply.c b/notmuch-reply.c
index 8eb4754..39377e1 100644
--- a/notmuch-reply.c
+++ b/notmuch-reply.c
@@ -296,28 +296,23 @@ guess_from_received_header (notmuch_config_t *config, 
notmuch_message_t *message
     received = notmuch_message_get_header (message, "received");
     by = strstr (received, " by ");
     if (by && *(by+4)) {
-       /* we know that there are 4 characters after by - either the 4th one
-        * is '\0' (broken header) or it is the first letter of the hostname 
-        * that last received this email - which we'll use to guess the right
-        * from email address
+       /* sadly, the format of Received: headers is a bit inconsistent,
+        * depending on the MTA used. So we try to extract just the MTA
+        * here by removing leading whitespace and assuming that the MTA
+        * name ends at the next whitespace
+        * we test for *(by+4) to be non-'\0' to make sure there's something
+        * there at all - and then assume that the first whitespace delimited
+        * token that follows is the last receiving server
        mta = strdup (by+4);
        if (mta == NULL)
            return NULL;
-       /* After the MTA comes its IP address (or HELO response) in parenthesis.
-        * so let's terminate the string there
-        */
-       if ((ptr = strchr (mta, '(')) == NULL) {
-           free (mta);
+       token = strtok(mta," \t");
+       if (token == NULL)
            return NULL;
-       }
-       *ptr = '\0';
        /* Now extract the last two components of the MTA host name
         * as domain and tld
-       token = mta;
        while ((ptr = strsep (&token, delim)) != NULL) {
            if (*ptr == '\0')

Dirk Hohndel
Intel Open Source Technology Center

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