On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 11:35:31 -0800, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote:
> These look fairly handy.
> But, since I know our current keybindings are less-than-perfect, I would
> prefer to see patches that also fix them, (rather than just adding
> functionality that new users can't get at without manual customization).
> Would you accept an invitation to make a proposal (with patch) to
> actually improve the default keybindings here as well?

Hey, Carl.  I could do this, but I think I would ultimately just be
submitting patches for notmuch to behave in the specific way that I want
it to behave.  I'm pretty sure that everyone has different ideas of what
they want, and I worry that if I start submitting my preference we'll
have to contend with lots of debate over behavior preference, leading to
lots of requests for more configuration options.  This has actually
already happened, most recently with my patch to remove thread archiving

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