On Sun, 13 Feb 2011 19:25:05 +0000, Darren McGuicken <mailing-notmuch at 
fernseed.info> wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Feb 2011 22:22:17 +0100, Matthieu Lemerre <racin at free.fr> wrote:
> > I have written the org-mode support for notmuch a while ago. It allows
> > to open links to notmuch from org-mode and create org-mode link from
> > notmuch buffers.
> Excellent, thanks for this, I'll check it out - how does this compare to
> the org support for something like gnus?

I don't know exactly how org-mode supports gnus, but I think pretty much
the same... Basically what it allows is: 

1. When calling org-store-link (or org-capture) from a notmuch-message
or notmuch-search window, store a link to this buffer.

2. When opening a link in org-mode, if the link is a notmuch link, open
the corresponding notmuch buffer.

I use this to empty my inbox and quickly store todo items to my TODO
list/gtd file along the way.

I believe that further org/notmuch integration could be beneficial, and
this represents a first step.

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