On Thu, 02 Jun 2011 08:35:49 -0700, Jameson Graef Rollins <jrollins at 
finestructure.net> wrote:
Non-text part: multipart/signed

> Hey, Felix.  Yeah, I unfortunately don't have any other suggestions
> other than asking the gmime folks.

Jeff replied and sent me a working patch :) Not sure yet how he prefers
to publish the patch, but the problem is fixed.

> Interestingly, I see the following message in your crypto test output:
>   Error: search term did not match precisely one message.
> which seems to indicate that the desired message wasn't actually
> delivered properly, contrary to what the emacs delivery tests are
> stating.  Not sure how that could be related, though, since it looks
> like the trace that you show above definitely looks like gmime caught in
> a poll loop.

Just ran the tests with a "fixed" poll function and it seems that many
problems remain. Don't have the time at the moment to take a closer
look, but I attached the output.

Anyway, I'm a glad decrypting user now ;)


> jamie.
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