On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:43:01 +0200, Sebastien Binet <seb.binet at gmail.com> 
> > You didn't try forwarding the email to the list ;)
> ah! that easy, heh ?
> Attachment: 
> 1300323326_0.6276.farnsworth,U=250482,FMD5=af1cd994dfcb9286c394d142687ff5a0:2,S
>  (application/octet-stream)

Are you sure this is the right message?  This message doesn't include
any signature section that looks like the one that you posted before.
The one you posted in your previous message was:

Message sent via/by LCG Savannah

This one is:

announce mailing list
announce at open-mpi.org

Also (unrelated) I notice that the above attached message is not
content-type "message/rfc822".  Specifying the right content type helps 
receivers handle the messages a little better.

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