On Sun, 25 Dec 2011 08:14:52 +0400, Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at 
gmail.com> wrote:
> Before the change, there were two ways to do search in Emacs UI:
> search widget in notmuch-hello buffer and `notmuch-search' function
> bound to "s".  Internally, notmuch-hello search widget uses
> `notmuch-search' function.  But it uses widget field input instead of
> minibuffer.
> Such duplication is a major issue for notmuch-hello usability: search
> interface is inconsistent and lacks features that are available in
> minibuffer (e.g. history and auto completion).

Were there actual complaints about the usability of the current

I much preferred your alternative approach (merging the history while
leaving the UI alone).
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