On Tue, 03 Jan 2012 16:02:43 +0000, David Edmondson <dme at dme.org> wrote:
> On Mon,  5 Sep 2011 07:14:36 +0300, Antono Vasiljev <self at antono.info> 
> wrote:
> If the poll script runs asynchronously, won't the notmuch-search output
> refresh and jump into my face when I'm busy doing something else? And,
> if I'm not busy doing something else, why can't I just wait for the poll
> script to complete?

Well, he might have dropped it (and notmuch), but I've been wondering
about the possibilities of this for the emacs client. What I was
imagining was some sort of modeline notifier, like what ERC offers. It
could easily alert you without jumping into your face.

Just musing -- I haven't had time to actually think it all the way


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