On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 23:42:04 -0400, David Bremner <david at tethera.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jan 2012 18:30:01 +0100, Pieter Praet <pieter at praet.org> wrote:
> > Should have come before commit 1df71b55
> This doesn't seem like an especially helpful commit
> message. Editorializing is ok, I guess, but maybe keep it below the
> '---' ?

You're right.  The message I was trying to convey (quite tersely),
was that these tests were written in response to commit 1df71b55
(and should probably be retroactively ran on 1df71b55~1).

I realize now that it could potentially be wrongly interpreted as
criticism of sorts, which of course wasn't my intention.

Anyways, I ran the tests on both 1df71b55~1 and 1df71b55, and
-as expected- everything checks out fine.

Amended patch follows.

> d



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