This patch looks fine.  Philosophical UI discussion to follow:

On Fri, 13 Jan 2012 18:07:04 -0500, Austin Clements <amdragon at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> +    if (notmuch_config_get_auto_exclude_tags (config, &tmp) == NULL) {
> +     const char *tags[] = { "deleted", "spam" };
> +     notmuch_config_set_auto_exclude_tags (config, tags, 2);
> +    }

This creates the config section with the exclude list pre-set to
"deleted;spam".  I personally have no problem with this, since I was
going to be setting exactly that anyway.  However, assuming we decide to
have this be the default in the CLI, should we therefore add support for
it in the emacs UI?  I've been going back and forth on this (as readers
are well aware), and have most recently rejected the idea that we should
add delete support to the emacs UI.  However, if we are excluding
"deleted" tags by default, then I'm going to go back and say that we
should include the keybindings to "delete" messages.  Comments?

If people think we should exclude "deleted;spam" by default, and agree
that we should also add delete support in the emacs UI, I'll go ahead
and rework my keybinding patches.

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