> Oops, actually there was a bug in that macro.  It should have been
> (defmacro notmuch-with-temp-part-buffer (message-id nth &rest body)
>   (declare (indent 2))
>   (let ((process-crypto (make-symbol "process-crypto")))
>     `(let ((,process-crypto notmuch-show-process-crypto))
>        (with-temp-buffer
>          (setq notmuch-show-process-crypto ,process-crypto)
>          ;; Always acquires the part via `notmuch part', even if it is
>          ;; available in the JSON output.
>          (insert (notmuch-show-get-bodypart-internal ,message-id ,nth))
>          , at body))))
> The only difference is on the "insert" line.  Sorry about that.


[Snip excellent explanation of defmacro]

Thanks for the excellent explanation!

> > Finally, I have discovered one bug/misfeature. If you try to "view" an
> > attachment then it will offer to save it but will not offer a
> > filename. If you try and save it (or use the default action) it will
> > offer a filename as now. As far as I can see this is not fixable if I
> > use mm-display-part: however, I could include a slight tweaked version,
> > notmuch-show-mm-display-part say, which would fix this corner
> > case. (Essentially, it would call notmuch-show-save-part if it failed to
> > find a handler rather than mailcap-save-binary-file.) However, this is
> > about 50 lines of lisp so I am not sure it is worth it.
> Hmm.  This is probably worth fixing, but probably in a separate patch.
> Duplicating mm-display-part is probably not the way to go.  It think
> it will work to pass t as the no-default argument to mm-display-part
> and check the return value, which should be 'inline if it was able to
> handle it internally or 'external if it found an external helper.  I'm
> pretty sure it will never fall in to mailcap-save-binary-file in that
> case.  If that doesn't work, you could flet mailcap-save-binary-file
> around the call to mm-display-part.

I had tried passing t to mm-display-part and that didn't work as I
expected. I will experiment some more and try your flet suggestion but I
think that will be a separate patch.

I will send a potential final version of this patch as a reply to this
email. Many thanks for all the guidance and help!

Best wishes


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