On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 23:22:00 +0100, Justus Winter <4winter at 
informatik.uni-hamburg.de> wrote:

> That wasn't meant to sound as harsh as it probably did. I seriously
> hope that someone is around who enjoys to hack on the c/c++ part of
> the library and is willing fix problems in it.

Luckily I deleted my snarky reply ;). 

> And I worked around the two functions (that I know of) that call
> exit(3) by conditionally raising exceptions in the python bindings,
> but this is only meant as a intermediate fix, a hack that should be
> removed as soon as the library is fixed.

Can you make test cases to document exactly when internal errors are
occuring in the library? Somehow it seems like the CLI is not triggering
them. It might help clarify the discussion and/or motivate people to fix


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