Dear all,

I have been looking for a usable notmuch client for some time. Now I found the 
alot client
which seems to be the best for my needs. I have used mutt-kz so far. And here 
are some
1. As vi user I alway type gg/G to jump to the top/bottom. Is there a command 
that I can
? ?configure this way? I have not found a jump to top/bottom command in the 

2. Mutt has a nice feature, the Attach: pseudo header. It can be used to attach 
files from
? ?within the editor. I use this small vi macro to attach files:
? ? ?" mutt: insert attachment with ranger

? ? ?fun! RangerMuttAttach()
? ? ?if filereadable('/tmp/chosendir')
? ? ?silent !ranger --choosefiles=/tmp/chosenfiles --choosedir=/tmp/chosendir 
"$(cat /tmp/chosendir)"
? ? ?else
? ? ?silent !ranger --choosefiles=/tmp/chosenfiles --choosedir=/tmp/chosendir
? ? ?endif
? ? ?if filereadable('/tmp/chosenfiles')
? ? ?call append(3, map(readfile('/tmp/chosenfiles'), '"Attach: 
".escape(v:val," \t\\")'))
? ? ?call system('rm /tmp/chosenfiles')
? ? ?endif
? ? ?redraw!
? ? ?endfun
? ? ?map <C-a> :call RangerMuttAttach()<CR>
? ? ?imap <C-a> <ESC>:call RangerMuttAttach()<CR>a
? ?I would like to use the same with alot. Is it possible?

3. I have followed the instructions to use abook for contact completion. I have 
used abook with mutt as well.
? ?So I have put these two?lines in my config:
? ? ?[[[abook]]]
? ? ? ?type = abook
? ?But I did not find a way how to use it. Can anybody tell me?

Thanks in advance

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