On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Aaron Ecay <aaronecay at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2012ko azaroak 18an, Ethan Glasser-Camp-ek idatzi zuen:
> >
> > - You might want to use #' on lambdas.
> This is actually unnecessary ? as the info node "(elisp) Anonymous
> Functions" says, the forms with and without #' are equivalent.  The
> current notmuch style is not to have #' on lambdas (that is, there are 0
> instances of #'(lambda ...) in the code base).  IMO that?s correct:
> the unnecessary #' is just line-noise-ish.

OK, I think I understand. Thanks for the clarification. I found that info
node very confusing.

It says that #' has effects "assuming function-object is a valid lambda
expression". So why put #' on variables that are the names of functions?

In fact, outside names of functions, when are you supposed to use #' at all?

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