
When I manually move some messages, these changes are detected by
notmuch but it doesn't remove these files of its database.
I think, it's more clear to show you an example:

1) Initialisation
   toto at compaq:~$ notmuch new
   No new mail.

2) I show you the initial location of the message that we will move
   toto at compaq:~$ ls 

3) we move this message
   toto at compaq:~$ mv 

4) we update notmuch database
   toto at compaq:~$ notmuch new
   Processed 1 file in almost no time.
   No new mail. Removed 1 message.

5) we can observe that old message location still exist in the db
   toto at compaq:~$ notmuch search --output=files tag:draft folder:local/trash/

6) but no file exist at this location.
   toto at compaq:~$ ls 
   ls: impossible d'acc?der ? 
/home/toto/mail/drafts/cur/#*message*-20130312-163131#:2,DS: Aucun fichier ou 
dossier de ce type

I don't understand this problem because this usecase is close from a
file deletion which works.

Would anyone have an idea ?


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