 man/man1/notmuch-search.1 |   11 +++++++++++
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)

diff --git a/man/man1/notmuch-search.1 b/man/man1/notmuch-search.1
index da2f1dd..d2a582d 100644
--- a/man/man1/notmuch-search.1
+++ b/man/man1/notmuch-search.1
@@ -154,6 +154,17 @@ but the "match count" is the number of matching 
non-excluded messages in the
 thread, rather than the number of matching messages.

+.RS 4
+.TP 4
+.BR \-\-duplicate=N
+Effective with
+.BR --output=files ,
+output the Nth filename associated with each message matching the
+query (N is 0-based). If N is equal to or greater than the number of
+files associated with the message, don't print anything.

 This command supports the following special exit status codes

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