Hi :)

Quoting David Bremner (2013-05-20 16:32:32)
> Patrick Gerken <notmuch at patrick-gerken.de> writes:
> > Is there any rationale that prevents registering the python bindings
> > on pypi?

I believe the python bindings were once available on pypi, though that
might have been a relict from the time the python bindings were not
distributed with notmuch (I'm just guessing here, I haven't been
around long enough). Iirc it was Sebastian who registered it. When I
took over the python bindings I simply did not care enough to take
care of the pypi entry (see below).

> > If this is only because of missing maintainer, would anybody
> > object if I put the bindings on pypi?
> I imagine the python bindings are pretty dependent on the version of
> notmuch they ship with; I'm not sure how well shipping them
> independently will work out.
> That said, whatever you and Justus (who maintains the python bindings in
> notmuch) agree on is probably fine with the rest of us.

I would not object to that, but David has a point here. If the version
you get from pypi is newer than your libnotmuch, you will get errors
*at runtime*.

Also I just looked at http://oswatershed.org/pkg/notmuch and
http://oswatershed.org/pkg/python-notmuch . It looks like every
distribution that is shipping libnotmuch packages also ships the
python bindings. So everyone who got libnotmuch from their
distribution can also obtain the appropriate bindings. And everyone
who compiled notmuch also has the bindings. I'm just not sure what's
to gain here.


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