Mark Walters <markwalters1009 at> writes:

> Previously pick had no actions based on the entire thread: this adds
> some. Note in this version '*' is bound to `tag thread' which is not
> consistent with search or show. However it still might be the most
> natural thing (as it is similar to running * in the show pane).

Hmm. not sure about this. But since nobody complained in six months,
let's go with it unless they wake up.

> +  (setq tag-changes (funcall 'notmuch-tag
> (notmuch-pick-get-messages-ids-thread-search) tag-changes))

Why "(funcall 'notmuch-tag ...) instead of a "(notmuch-tag ...)" here?
Personally I'd use let instead of setq here, but ymmv.

> +Archive each message currently shown by applying the tag changes
> +in `notmuch-archive-tags' to each (remove the \"inbox\" tag by
> +default). If a prefix argument is given, the messages will be
> +\"unarchived\", i.e. the tag changes in `notmuch-archive-tags'
> +will be reversed.

It seems to me the default value for notmuch-archive-tags should not be
hard-coded into this docstring, especially since notmuch-archive-tags
turns into a link in the help text.


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