Jameson Graef Rollins <jrollins at finestructure.net> writes:

> On Mon, May 12 2014, Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How would our development cycle be controlled by GitHub?
>> The whole point of a distributed VCS is that there isn't a single
>> central repository you rely on.
> If this is true then why are we even talking about github?
We're talking about providing a mirror on Github. Among many things
Github is an amazing code browser that I (among many people) are used to
use. Anyway this discussion is solved by providing a mirror[0] which is
updated every minute to reflect official notmuch status in realtime.

[0]: https://github.com/notmuch/notmuch

> jamie.
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Wael Nasreddine | SRE at Google | wael.nasreddine at gmail.com | (650) 735-1773
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