Add URI handling to the vim client.  You can now press 'enter' by
default and the client will parse the current line and find any 'Part's
or URIs available for opening.  If there are more than one it opens the
one under the cursor or else it opens the only one available.  It also
supports mailto: URI's and will compose a new message when activated.

By default xdg-open is used for everything but mailto: which generally
does the right thing afaict.

Note that this is now dependant on the attachment patch in order to
make the nice 'enter' behavior work for both.


Fixed commit message.

 vim/notmuch.txt |  3 ++-
 vim/notmuch.vim | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vim/notmuch.txt b/vim/notmuch.txt
index d5e1ad2..f51b20f 100644
--- a/vim/notmuch.txt
+++ b/vim/notmuch.txt
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ I     Mark as read (-unread)
 t      Tag (prompted)
 e       Extract attachment on the current 'Part' line or all
        attachments if the cursor is elsewhere.
-<enter> View attachment on the current 'Part' line.
+<enter> View email part on the current 'Part' line, or open URI under cursor
+        or on line.
 s      Search
 p      Save patches
 r      Reply
diff --git a/vim/notmuch.vim b/vim/notmuch.vim
index 1466e50..2f76f55 100644
--- a/vim/notmuch.vim
+++ b/vim/notmuch.vim
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let g:notmuch_folders_maps = {
        \ '<Enter>':    'folders_show_search()',
        \ 's':          'folders_search_prompt()',
        \ '=':          'folders_refresh()',
-       \ 'c':          'compose()',
+       \ 'c':          'compose("")',
        \ }

 let g:notmuch_search_maps = {
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let g:notmuch_search_maps = {
        \ 's':          'search_search_prompt()',
        \ '=':          'search_refresh()',
        \ '?':          'search_info()',
-       \ 'c':          'compose()',
+       \ 'c':          'compose("")',
        \ }

 let g:notmuch_show_maps = {
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ let g:notmuch_show_maps = {
        \ 't':          'show_tag("")',
        \ 'o':          'show_open_msg()',
        \ 'e':          'show_extract_msg()',
-       \ '<Enter>':    'show_view_attachment()',
+       \ '<Enter>':    'show_view_magic()',
        \ 's':          'show_save_msg()',
        \ 'p':          'show_save_patches()',
        \ 'r':          'show_reply()',
        \ '?':          'show_info()',
        \ '<Tab>':      'show_next_msg()',
-       \ 'c':          'compose()',
+       \ 'c':          'compose("")',
        \ }

 let g:notmuch_compose_maps = {
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ let s:notmuch_view_attachment_default = 'xdg-open'
 let s:notmuch_attachment_tmpdir_default = '~/.notmuch/tmp'
 let s:notmuch_folders_count_threads_default = 0
 let s:notmuch_compose_start_insert_default = 1
+let s:notmuch_open_uri_default = 'xdg-open'

 function! s:new_file_buffer(type, fname)
        exec printf('edit %s', a:fname)
@@ -141,8 +142,8 @@ function! s:show_reply()

-function! s:compose()
-       ruby open_compose
+function! s:compose(to_email)
+       ruby open_compose(VIM::evaluate('a:to_email'))
        let b:compose_done = 0
        call s:set_map(g:notmuch_compose_maps)
        autocmd BufDelete <buffer> call s:on_compose_delete()
@@ -155,6 +156,22 @@ function! s:show_info()
        ruby vim_puts get_message.inspect

+function! s:show_view_magic()
+       let line = getline(".")
+ruby << EOF
+       line = VIM::evaluate('line')
+       # Easiest to check for 'Part' types first..
+       match = line.match(/^Part (\d*):/)
+       if match and match.length == 2
+               VIM::command('call s:show_view_attachment()')
+       else
+               VIM::command('call s:show_open_uri()')
+       end
 function! s:show_view_attachment()
        let line = getline(".")
 ruby << EOF
@@ -226,6 +243,45 @@ ruby << EOF

+function! s:show_open_uri()
+       let line = getline(".")
+       let pos = getpos(".")
+       let col = pos[2]
+ruby << EOF
+       m = get_message
+       line = VIM::evaluate('line')
+       col = VIM::evaluate('col') - 1
+       uris = URI.extract(line)
+       wanted_uri = nil
+       if uris.length == 1
+               wanted_uri = uris[0]
+       else
+               uris.each do |uri|
+                       # Check to see the URI is at the present cursor location
+                       idx = line.index(uri)
+                       if col >= idx and col <= idx + uri.length
+                               wanted_uri = uri
+                               break
+                       end
+               end
+       end
+       if wanted_uri
+               uri = URI.parse(wanted_uri)
+               if uri.class == URI::MailTo
+                       vim_puts("Composing new email to #{}.")
+                       VIM::command("call s:compose('#{}')")
+               else
+                       vim_puts("Opening #{uri.to_s}.")
+                       cmd = VIM::evaluate('g:notmuch_open_uri')
+                       system(cmd, uri.to_s)
+               end
+       else
+               vim_puts('URI not found.')
+       end
 function! s:show_open_msg()
 ruby << EOF
        m = get_message
@@ -481,6 +537,10 @@ function! s:set_defaults()

+       if !exists('g:notmuch_open_uri')
+               let g:notmuch_open_uri = s:notmuch_open_uri_default
+       endif
        if !exists('g:notmuch_reader')
                if exists('g:notmuch_rb_reader')
                        let g:notmuch_reader = g:notmuch_rb_reader
@@ -693,11 +753,11 @@ ruby << EOF
                open_compose_helper(lines, cur)

-       def open_compose()
+       def open_compose(to_email)
                lines = []

                lines << "From: #{$email}"
-               lines << "To: "
+               lines << "To: #{to_email}"
                cur = lines.count

                lines << "Cc: "

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