Ian Main <imain at stemwinder.org> schrieb am 18:02 Freitag, 24.Oktober 2014:

> Interesting, good feedback.  Is it the usage that is difficult or setup?
Installation was not a problem for me although the files ?notmuch.vim? and 
?notmuch.txt? were not found by ?make install? for some reason. So I linked
them into the notmuch-vim directory. After that ?make install? succeeded.
But the main obstacle is that new users must find by trial and error that
they must type ?s? to search, ?t? to tag files and so on. It would be very
useful to list all the key bindings and configuration options.
I still don't know how to compose a new message.

> Well like any other text based client it uses a text dump of a links or such 
> (I
> forget which one).
I think ?elinks --dump?

> We have great support for web browser viewing of the email
> though if that isn't good enough.
Yes, it's 2014. ;-)

> Let me know if you have suggestions on where it's lacking. 
Okay, thank you so far.

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