On Wed, Oct 29 2014, Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal at jhu.edu> wrote:

> By the way, this discussion brings up another problem. I wasn't able to
> write a test for this (to address the below concerns) because the test
> suite for thread-naming supplies some sort of auto-generated subject
> for threads with empty subjects. So we can't test behavior for dealing
> with empty subjects.
> Unfortunately, I don't know the history of the test suite, or why this
> auto-subject decisicion was made, so I don't feel comfortable just
> changing the behavior.

Autogeneration of (unique) headers when some header not given...

Shell could distinguish between unset and empty variable, but that would
proably make most users feel PITA to use it... (*)

... probably better altelnative could be some magic word, like 'none' to
make generate_message() set header in question empty (and first just
implement that "feature" to Subject header.


(*) personally I'd be totally comfortable with it, though ;D

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