Tomi Ollila <> writes:

>> When I open a HTML message in the EMACS UI, the error message "Package
>> html2text is obsolete!" is displayed. Is it possible to configure
>> Notmuch to use SHR/EWW instead of html2text?
> You probably have somewhere something like:
> (setq mm-text-html-renderer 'html2text)
> ?
> If so, drop that.
> (then, it should default to 'shr since emacs 24...)

It defaults to shr as long as emacs was compiled with libxml. Otherwise
it tries to find various external commands, html2text amongst them. So I
guess Ralph could also be running an emacs install built without libxml

(defcustom mm-text-html-renderer
  (cond ((fboundp 'libxml-parse-html-region) 'shr)
        ((executable-find "w3m") 'gnus-w3m)
        ((executable-find "links") 'links)
        ((executable-find "lynx") 'lynx)
        ((locate-library "html2text") 'html2text)
        (t nil))

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