Tomas Nordin <> writes:

> Teemu Likonen <> writes:
>> I do this: I press "Yes" (to trust "ultimately") but then immediately go
>> edit ~/.gnupg/trustlist.txt file and put "!" mark in the beginning of
>> that certificate authority's key fingerprint. It marks that key
>> untrusted (because I really don't know). Then: "gpgconf --reload
>> gpg-agent".
> OK, thanks. That already feels better, knowing I can revert this trust
> easily like that. And some better understanding for whats going on.

That seems like a UI bug to me -- I'd have thought that there should be
a "No" button so that you can stop it repeatedly asking (presumably by
automatically doing the same as the above manual procedure).

Would anyone happen to know where that should be reported?

I have a feeling that I'd want to default that to answering "No", and
never see the prompt.

The number of people I'm willing to declare ultimate trust in is quite
limited, and even for those, I'm not going to do it via some unfamiliar
bit of UI that springs up unexpectedly.  This strikes me as mildly
deranged, and appears to be trying to train users to do the wrong thing.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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