Hello Reto,

On Sat 02 May 2020 at 03:13pm +02, Reto wrote:

> On Fri, May 01, 2020 at 12:30:28PM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
>> I've not yet used NNTP to read mailing lists myself, but I think there
>> are limitations to the way I currently read lists
> What are you missing exactly?
> If we know what your actual problems are there might be better solutions 
> forthcoming.

Well, I would like to be able to handle a higher volume of messages
faster.  I think that I am typically reluctant to subscribe to new lists
because I know that I'm not efficient at processing the mail.

People who use NNTP to read mailing lists talk about the following sorts
of things which speed things up:

- efficient killfiles/filters
- manually killing subthreads
- expiration/catching up
- browsing lists without going through the process of subscription
  and/or downloading archives

I'd be interested to hear what techniques people have for making notmuch
capable of getting through mailing list mail faster.  I find that
notmuch is great for practising Inbox Zero on personal mail, and for
searching to find old mail, but I haven't made it especially good for
dealing with discussion forums yet.

I've come up with a few ideas myself in the past few days but they're
fairly simple.

Sean Whitton
notmuch mailing list

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