On 04.11.2015 10:58, Pierre Moreau wrote:
> Wasn't there some work being done by François Tigeot or Jean-Sébastien Pédron
> to port Nouveau to DragonFlyBSD/FreeBSD? Or at least they were talking about 
> porting it
> at XDC 2014, no idea what the current status is.
> Pierre
> PS: Looking at François' slides from this year XDC, it seems there isn't much
> progress about it.


Pierre, you're right, and the same applies to FreeBSD: nobody started to
work on this.

I will let François comment for DragonFly, but on FreeBSD, our problem
is that the diff with Linux was too large to do an easy port of a
driver. This was fixed in DRM core earlier this year, and I'm about to
finish an update to i915 which is the last part to finally have a small
diff with Linux. At that point our entire DRM subsystem will correspond
to Linux 3.8 (minus dma-buf).

At that point, it will be far easier to contribute to FreeBSD. As Martin
said, TTM is already ported so I believe everything is in place to port

In the coming months, the goal will be to bring our DRM subsystem to
match Linux 3.9 then 3.10, etc. I personnally have no plan to work on
Nouveau for the time being because the i915 and Radeon drivers are
enough to keep me busy. However, we would welcome any contributions!
People are asking about this on a regular basis, so please contact me if
you are willing to work on this.

Soon, we'll see Tux proudly holding a trident in the logo! :)

(Don't get me wrong, I love the current logo)

Jean-Sébastien Pédron

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