On 25/02/17 05:39, Zhengjie (PARC) wrote:

I’m a developer from Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. China. I’m working on
GPU Virtualization.

I found some academic papers on google which describe how to virtualize
GPU on Cloud based on Nouveau, Such as < TimeGraph: GPU Scheduling for
Real-Time Multi-Tasking Environments >  <Gdev: First-Class GPU Resource
Management in the Operating System> written by Ph.D Shinpei Kato.

I know the nouveau project aims to build high-quality, free/libre
software drivers for nVidia cards
<https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/>. Maybe
the nouveau project developers can do something to help GPU
Virtualization. So I’d like to ask whether there is the possibility of
cooperation on GPU Virtualization between Huawei and the nouveau project.

Maybe there is another way for cooperation. But I don’t know how. Or you
can give some advices to us on GPU Virtualization based on nouveau. That
will be grateful. I’m looking forward to you reply.

Nouveau's design is meant for allowing virtualization, so you should not have too much trouble getting something to work, provided you can make hypercalls. Check out NVIF in the nouveau's source.


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