Hi all,
One query I have with Nox is what is the best way to store nox
applications in SCMs? Let's say I'm developing a nox application, there
are two ways I can see to deal with SCM:
1. Put nox and my application in a single repository.
2. Put only my application in a repository.
Option 2 definitely sounds like the better solution, except it means
that if I want to use the application somewhere I have to:
1. Get a copy of nox
2. Check out my application into src/nox/app
3. Add my application to configure.ac
4. Compile
Perhaps I'm complaining too much but I see step 3 as problematic,
particularly if I intend to distribute my application to other people.
Is there a way to add an application to NOX without editing the
configure.ac script? If the answer is no, are there plans to allow
people to more easily integrate apps into their NOX build?
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