[caveat; I'm only a nox user, not a developer at Nicira; apply grains
of salt as needed]

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:14 AM, puneet gupta<puneetnl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am starting nox with cli-  ./nox_core -i ptcp:6633.
> So here are my questions-
> 1. Is it true that by starting NOX like this it won't do anything since
> according to noxrepo.org "NOX exports a programmatic interface on top of
> which multiple network programs (which we call applications) can run. These
> applications can hook into network events, gain access to traffic, control
> the switch forwarding decisions, and generate traffic".
> Hence do i need to start it with an application like ./nox_core -i ptcp:6633
> hub ?

Exactly: you should run some application along with nox.  I would
recommend as an easy first pass, the 'switch' application, i.e.,

./nox_core -i ptcp:6633 switch

This will get you basic mac address learning switch functionality,
i.e., what a normal switch would do.

> I did this and then i started receiving ADD messages. But i just want to
> confirm that is this the right way to do?

Yes, except I think you will find 'switch' more useful than 'hub', if
only because switches are typically more useful than hubs :-)

> 2. If i want NOX to act like a full fledged controller i.e., making
> decisions about Flow Tables, telling what port to output packet coming from
> an in-port,increasing bandwidth etc, basically doing everything what the
> OpenFlow draft says about,then with which application should i run it  ? Or
> do i have to write an application in NOX by myself to do all this?

You can do both.  There are a long list of already build nox
applications that you can use off-the-shelf that ship with the code or
you can write your own.  The above mentioned 'switch' app does
everything you've listed above except likely "increasing bandwidth"
because I don't know what you mean by that.  OpenFlow does not *yet*
support any QoS primitives but you likely meant something else.

> I was under the impression that server code would all be written and i have
> to implement only the  Client side of it?

All of the *switch* code is written and you only need implement the
controller.  Nox is actually a controller framework, reducing your
task even further.  One could in theory control an openflow switch
without using nox, but you would likely have to replicate a lot of

> Also is there any other link which clears all this and tells about how to
> use it from scratch apart from noxrepo.org?

Not directly that I know of.  If you go to www.openflowswitch.org,
click "getting started" will point you in the right direction, but
wouldn't have answered your question.  This web page
(http://www.openflowswitch.org/wk/index.php/OpenFlowVMS) describes how
to create a whole openflow network out of virtual machines, and you
can infer a lot from that process.

@others: Maybe this is a call for an OpenFlow FAQ?  To be fair, I'm
not sure these particular questions have come up before...

- Rob

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