Hi Guanyao,

I do not understand

"I think to guarantee flow_mod be set up for every switch, it is better
to install in the initial order, that means, the first switch"

In that case, the second packet-in will still occur.  Wouldn't it?
Imagine route A-B-C, and we send the flow_mod to A first.  Then B
will/might see the packet-in.

My suggestion for the guarantee is to send to B and C with a barrier
function it.  Once both barrier function returns, we install A.  That
way, we are sure B and C has the entries before sending the flow_mod
to A.

Hope I am clear.


On 8 February 2010 19:39, Guanyao Huang <gyhu...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> I heard this from my supervisor. I also think this is not resolved,
> because it seems hard to resolve this.
> I think to guarantee flow_mod be set up for every switch, it is better
> to install in the initial order, that means, the first switch
> installed first, because the packet will hit in this order.
> I think this is unresolved, because I occasionally saw this happens. I
> guess the only thing we can do is to handle new flow_in event.
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:10 PM, kk yap <yap...@stanford.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Guanyao,
>> From what I know this is not resolved.  Do you recall where you heard
>> that this is resolved in NOX 0.5?
>> I put in a component in NOX 0.6 (not available publicly) to install
>> the route/tree in reverse order, i.e., destination first.  This is not
>> foolproof either, since there is no guarantees on the flow_mod will
>> reach the switch in that order.  Just does better than the current
>> order of installation.
>> There exists a solution that totally removes the problem, but it adds
>> an RTT delay.  Basically you can (in theory) do a barrier function for
>> each flow_mod and wait for all the replies before putting the flow_mod
>> to the source switch.
>> Regards
>> KK
>> On 8 February 2010 14:33, Guanyao Huang <gyhu...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Sorry to bother others.
>>> In order to establish packet forwarding between switches, the rule
>>> should be sent to switch before the first packet is sent back. The
>>> race condition is the packet is sent back and even forwarded by the
>>> first switch, but it doesnt find a rule in the second switch although
>>> openflow command is already sent. I was told that conditions like this
>>> were resolved after nox 0.5. My version is 0.5.0-full-beta, but I
>>> still find this happens occasionally. Is there any other requirement
>>> on the version? Also, how did you gaurrantee these conditions are
>>> resolved. Did you try to control the delay of the packets on wire?
>>> Thanks.
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