Hi Ali
The following three lines in the code ensure that the HP isn't
dropping the LLDP packets. So, it is not that issue.

# To insure that the LLDP src mac address is not a multicast
# address, since we have no control on choice of dpid
eth.src = '\x00' + struct.pack('!Q',dpid)[3:8]

> 1. Creates a lldp packet with the 6 least significant bytes of the dpid as a
> tlv (see line 65 and 66 of discovery.py).
> 2. The received lldp packet's tlv field is then used to compute a chassis id
> (line 276), this chassis id is only 6 bytes long

You are right. The problem is that you are unable to associate
multiple Openflow instances on the same HP switch with the same
controller because the TLV contains only the least significant 48
bits. I thought this was solved with NOX-destiny branch which has
support for 64 bit dpid. I'll let the NOX team put in the patch.

> Also, I noticed that the switchstats.py in the switchstats component has the
> following call:
> self.ctxt.send_port_stats_request(dp)
> Shouldn't this call be:
> self.ctxt.send_port_stats_request(dp, openflow.OFPP_NONE)

I believe the default value of OFPP_NONE for the second argument is
set elsewhere.

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